After walking Rocky went gym. Did a good chest session felt fairly strong, then did 45 mins incline medium paced walk while watching Andy Murray lose to Djokovic in Australian open final. Was steady cardio today as on my high intensity stuff tomorrow and need to be fresh for it.
Went to Sandhurst rest home with Clare to see Grandma, she looks quite perky, Mum and Chaz came a little later so we all sat chatting.
Then went home and watched fees episodes of S02 Sons Of Anarchy, really enjoying it more than 1st season.
Took Rocky out to South Shore Cricket Club, was a windy but nice evening.
Watched bits of FA Cup LFC losing to Oldham so put on UFC Johnson vs Dodson which was much more entertaining (Johnson win).
- Posted using BlogPress from Bazzy B's iPad
Location:Ivy Avenue,South Shore,United Kingdom